[email protected] Office hours: Mondays/Wednesdays 1-2p in 3606 James Hall @BC + by appointment on Zoom ABOUT THE COURSE This course introduces you to when, why, and how social scientists and other data analysts use statistics and other quantitative methods. You’ll learn when a quantitative approach to answering questions is […]
Emily Fairey
Date Topic Due at the beginning of class In-class lab Wednesday 8/25 Introduction to the course 1/Infographic critique and math review Monday 8/30 When + why are quant methods useful in research? Read Pager and Shepherd, “The Sociology of Discrimination: Racial Discrimination in Employment, Housing, Credit, […]
“Central Tendency & Variability – Sociology 3112 – Department of Sociology – The University of Utah.” Accessed August 21, 2021. https://soc.utah.edu/sociology3112/central-tendency-variability.php. “Creating Data Literate Students |.” Accessed August 21, 2021. http://datalit.sites.uofmhosting.net/books/book/. “Developing a Wastewater Surveillance Sampling Strategy | Water-Related Topics | Healthy Water | CDC,” June 23, 2021. https://www.cdc.gov/healthywater/surveillance/wastewater-surveillance/developing-a-wastewater-surveillance-sampling-strategy.html. “Google […]